
Пользователи Instagram рисуют посты с макияжем у себя на лицах

Август 13
09:06 2018

В Instagram появился новый мейкап-тренд. Пользователи оформляют свой макияж в виде постов в Instagram и рисуют их у себя на лице.

Они назвали его Instaception и теперь соревнуются у кого "пост" выглядит реалистичнее.

HOPPING ON THAT INSTA-CEPTION TREND!!! Credit fully goes to @dom.skii and @abbyrobertsartistry for this whole idea! I am so annoyed that I had to edit the icon and ‘sclbeauty’ text but it was literally so difficult — PRODUCTS: @stargazerproducts white liquid liner @collectionlove fast stroke liner @juviasplace Zulu palette — #instaception #instagram #illusion #inception #makeup

Публикация от shazney (@sclbeauty)

When you wanna spam @instagram with your makeup looks This is #MAKEUP — TAG A FRIEND WHO SPAMS INSTAGRAM! — Inspired by the amazing @dom.skii and @abbyrobertsartistry #instaception — Hey loves! Today’s look is probably something you have seen on your explore page A LOT, but with a lil twist you guys know I’m extra -please tag @anastasiabeverlyhills for me if you can — MAKEUP DEETS- @sigmabeauty X @cakefacerj brush set @anastasiabeverlyhills soft glam palette and dip brow pomade in dark brown @hudabeauty desert dusk palette @nyxcosmetics ultimate brights palette @tatti_lashes in TL3 and TL6 @officialsnazaroo white clown face paint —

Публикация от RJ (@cakefacerj)

picture perfect • — i had this idea stuck in my head for a while now , didn’t execute it as well as i could have but oh well product highlights: @morphebrushes • @jaclynhill palette @anastasiabeverlyhills • @amrezy highlighter •dipbrow pomade, shade ‘ebony’

Публикация от ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀dominic (@dom.skii)

Insta-ception Here’s the look I did on my livestream last night inspired by my good sis @dom.skii , this is all makeup except from the profile picture and name! We also went with a instagram logo colour scheme! Products used: @makeuprevolution @makeuprevolutionusa c1 concealer @sugarpill @shrinkle tako, poison plum, velocity, butter cupcake @morphebrushes 35B palette @suvabeauty hydra liner in space panda and grease @eldorafalseeyelashes m111, c175 @nyxcosmetics @nyxcosmetics_uk bad to the bone lid lingerie, milk jumbo eye pencil @anastasiabeverlyhills @norvina medium brown dipbrow @inglot_usa 76 gel liner Wig from @uniwigs #motd#instamakeup #inglot #abhdipbrow #abhcosmetics #anastasiabrows #anastasiabeverlyhills #norvina #nyxcosmetics #nyxcosmetics_uk #eldorafalseeyelashes #suvabeauty #morphebrushes #morphe #morphegirl #sugarpill #makeuprevolution #revolutionmakeup #pictureperfectchallenge #undiscovered_muas#bbdaretoshare #wakeupandmakeup #eotd#hudabeauty#makeuptrend @instagram #instaception

Публикация от Abby Roberts (@abbyrobertsartistry)

PICTURE PERFECT So I’ve seen a lot do this look, and I love the idea which is why I decided to try it out! I edited the eye-area, but the rest is unedited — inspired by @dom.skii and @abbyrobertsartistry ofc ___ BROWS @anastasiabeverlyhills dark brown #dipbrow #anastasiabrows @benefitdenmark precisely my brow pencil in shade 5 #benefitbrows EYES @samplebeauty paradigm shift palette — code JESSICAB for 10% off @smukkelashes eclectic lashes SKIN @hudabeauty #fauxfilter foundation shade 310 amaretti #hudabeauty @lauramercier translucent loose setting powder #lauramercier @anastasiabeverlyhills x @amrezy highlighter #abhxamrezy INSTAGRAM FRAME @nyxcosmetics white liquid liner #nyx @nyxcosmetics line ace liquid liner #nyxcosmetics ___ #anastasiabeverlyhills #abhxnorvina #abh #norvina #amrezy #abhbrows #anastasianordics #benefit #benefitcosmetics #pictureperfect #benefitdenmark #nyxcosmetics_uk #undiscovered_muas #slave2beauty #100daysofmakeup #bretmansvanity #wakeupandmakeup #bbdaretoshare #nyxcosmeticsnordics #samplebeauty

Публикация от JESSICA BRODERSEN (@instabeautybyjess)

#instaception challenge Eyeshadow pallete by @plouise_makeup_academy Brow gel by @anastasiabeverlyhills Lashes "NOIR FAIRT LITE" by @houseoflashes Eyeliner and mascara by @flormarisrael Brushes by @sigmabeauty : F75 ,E30,E25,E15, E25. #eyeception #instagram #makeuponfleek #post #makeupartist #nomakeup #picture #girljustwannahavefun #playwithmakeup #challenge #girl #eyeshadow #cateye

Публикация от KARIN SANTO (@karinsanto4)

Attempted the #instaception trend. I think I could have done a better job but hey it was for the fun of it Original idea inspired by @dom.skii and @abbyrobertsartistry .. Used @swiitchbeauty for my eyes and Insta frame. @linespring dainty lashes. Brows and foundation @benefitsouthafrica. . . . . . . #pictureperfect #undiscovered_muas #tintfam #livetinted #itsmylookbook #youtubeza#youtubeza_digitalz #SlayitSA #muasfeaturing #contentcreator #contentcreators #creativecontent #contentcreation #digitalcontent #visualcontent #socialmediacontent #contentstrategy #creativethinking #contentmarketingtips #creativeagency #creativedirection #brandmanagement #creativestudio #ipreview @preview.app

Публикация от Chermel's World | SA Youtuber (@chermelsworld)

Источник: nv.ua


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